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que? envía un mensaje al Dr. Series
En q capítulo/s y de q temporada sale Zak por un asesinato a causa de una secta?
Lo sentimos pero no acabamos de entender la pregunta, ¿a que te refieres con secta? Nos deberás especificar más, de momento aquí tienes la lista de los 61 capítulos donde sale Zack, por si es esto lo que nos pides.
- Pilot
- The Man in the SUV
- A Boy in a Tree
- The Man in the Bear
- A Boy in a Bush
- The Man in the Wall
- The Man on Death Row
- The Girl in the Fridge
- The Man in the Fallout Shelter
- The Woman at the Airport
- The Woman in the Car
- The Superhero in the Alley
- The Woman in the Garden
- The Man on the Fairway
- Two Bodies in the Lab
- The Woman in the Tunnel
- The Skull in the Desert
- The Man with the Bone
- The Man in the Morgue
- The Graft in the Girl
- The Soldier on the Grave
- The Woman in Limbo
- The Titan on the Track
- Mother and Child in the Bay
- The Boy in the Shroud
- The Blonde in the Game
- The Truth in the Lye
- The Girl in Suite 2103
- The Girl with the Curl
- The Woman in the Sand
- Aliens in a Spaceship
- The Headless Witch in the Woods
- Judas on a Pole
- The Man in the Cell
- The Girl in the Gator
- The Man in the Mansion
- Bodies in the Book
- The Boneless Bride in the River
- The Priest in the Churchyard
- The Killer in the Concrete
- Spaceman in a Crater
- The Glowing Bones in 'The Old Stone House'
- Stargazer in a Puddle
- The Widow's Son in the Windshield
- Soccer Mom in the Mini-Van
- Death in the Saddle
- The Secret in the Soil
- Mummy in the Maze
- Intern in the Incinerator
- Boy in the Time Capsule
- The Knight on the Grid
- The Santa in the Slush
- The Man in the Mud
- Player Under Pressure
- The Baby in the Bough
- The Verdict in the Story
- The Wannabe in the Weeds
- The Pain in the Heart
- The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond
- The End in the Beginning
- The Parts in the Sum of the Whole